Thursday, April 26, 2012

Apparently, we are getting older!

So this week has been a big one for us.  My dear husband had knee surgery yesterday which was odd, because he has never had surgery before.  And our daughter Cassandra is now driving.  I let her drive home and I was very calm, of course one of us had to be and it certainly wasn't her. 

My mom told me when I was in my 20's and her in her 40's that your body starts to fall apart at 40 because that is when she started needing to have surgeries.  Well true to course, at 39, I had three surgeries, two of which were major.  I believe in the power of words.  When I was young my mom also told me she hoped I had a daughter just like me, well I did.  Therefore, I have told our daughter, I hope she never has a daughter just like her, and I will not tell her that her body will fall apart once she turns 40.  We'll of course see what happens. 

So this week I am definitely feeling older, I know it happens to all of us, but I feel younger than I am partly because we have a 8 & 9 year olds.  Most of my friends are in their 30's and that is kinda how I feel, only after I trim the nose hairs and check for any neck/chin hairs of course!  :)

Have a carefree young day, and watch what you say!